Q. Which of the following gram positive bacteria is a strict anaerobe and can only grow in the absence of oxygen? Streptococcus pneumoniaeBordetella pertussisClostridium tetaniStaphylococcus epidermidis Answer: Clostridium tetani
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following gram positive bacteria is a strict anaerobe and can only grow in the absence of oxygen? Streptococcus pneumoniaeBordetella pertussisClostridium tetaniStaphylococcus epidermidis Answer: Clostridium tetani
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following morphological characteristics is an important identification characteristic of Neisseria gonorrhoeae? Gram-Negative DiplococciGram-Positive BacilliGram-Negative BacilliGram-Positive Diplococci Answer: Gram-Negative Diplococci
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is the example of encapsulated gram-positive bacteria? Klebsiella pneumoniaeClostridium perfringens Streptococcus pneumoniaeHaemophilus influenzae Answer: Streptococcus pneumoniae
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following metabolic characteristic is a distinguishing characteristic and identification of colonies of E. coli? Hydrogen sulfide formationIndole FormationLactose fermentation Urea Degradation Answer: Lactose fermentation
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following bacteria is an endospore-forming bacteria that is also a common foodborne pathogen? Bordetella pertusisClostridium botulinumKlebsiella pneumoniaeStreptococcus pneumoniae Answer: Clostridium botulinum
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following RNA virus is a highly contagious respiratory pathogen that can easily spread from person to person? CoronavirusDengue virusEpstein Barr virusHepatitis B virus Answer: Coronavirus
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following microorganism has the cocci cell shapes and sizes arranged usually in tetrad structures? Streptococcus pneumoniaeStaphylococcus aureusChlamydia trachomatisNeisseria meningitidis Answer: Staphylococcus aureus
READ MORE +Q. What are the different growth morphology and cell structures used for the classification of fungi? Select all the correct answers: YeastMoldMyceliaProtozoa Answer: Protozoa
READ MORE +Q. Prokaryotic cells are more resistant to osmotic shock than eukaryotic cells because Their cell wall is composed of peptidoglycanThey are selectively permeableThey contain osmoregulating porinsThey block water molecules from entering the cell Answer: Their cell wall is composed of ...
READ MORE +Q. The bacterium that infects other gram-negative bacteria is Proteus mirabilisHaemophilus influenzaBdellovibrioPseudomonas putida Answer: Bdellovibrio
READ MORE +Q. The bacterial genus where sterols are present in the cell membrane is VibrioMycoplasmaEscherichiaChlamydia Answer: Mycoplasma
READ MORE +Q. Which phage is used for phage display technique? T7M13ƛ-phageɸ6 Answer: ɸ6