Q. Enrichment media allows the growth of a large number of varied bacterial species. TrueFalse Answer: False
READ MORE +Q. Enrichment media allows the growth of a large number of varied bacterial species. TrueFalse Answer: False
READ MORE +Q. Isolation of pure culture refers to ___________ purification of cultureintroduction of inoculumseparation of a single colonyto grow microorganisms on a surface Answer: separation of a single colony
READ MORE +Q. An outbreak of sepsis caused by Staphylococcus aureus has occurred in the newborn nursery. You are called upon to investigate. According to your knowledge of the normal flora, what is the most likely source of the organism? ThroatColonNosenone of the above Answer: Nose
READ MORE +Q. Roll-tube technique is used to isolate ___________ Stringent AnaerobesFacultativesAerobesNone Of These Answer: Stringent Anaerobes
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is a function of cryoprotective agents? to trap the liquid nitrogenfor long-term preservation of culturesprevents formation of iceprevents cell damage due to ice crystal formation Answer: prevents cell damage due to ice crystal formation
READ MORE +Q. Nichrome loop wire is used in which of the following techniques? Streak-platePour-plateSpread-plateRoll-tube technique Answer: Streak-plate
READ MORE +Q. Which device is used to pick a single bacterial cell from a mixed culture? MicromanipulatorMicropipetteMicroscopeMicroprobe Answer: Micromanipulator
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is used as a solidifying agent for media? AgarYeast extractBeef extractPeptone Answer: Agar
READ MORE +Q. The isolation of gonorrhea-causing organism, Neisseria gonorrhoeae by the use of certain antibiotics in media is an example of which of the following? Selective mediaAssay mediaDifferential mediaEnriched media Answer: Selective media
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following instrument is used for sterilizing the media after it has been prepared? IncubatorInoculum NeedleLaminar Air Flow ChamberAutoclave Answer: Autoclave
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following bacteria requires nicotinic acid as a growth factor in their media? Nitrosomonas spcoliProteus vulgarisnone of the above Answer: Proteus vulgaris
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following are functions of Maintenance Media? used for the maintenance of the viability and physiological characteristicsused for determining the type of growth produced by bacteriaused for assay of vitamins,amino acidsused for determining the bacterial content Answer: used ...