Latest Current Affairs
India slips to 112th place on gender gap

India has slipped four places to rank 112th globally in terms of gender gap amid widening disparity in terms of women's health and survival and economic participation, the two areas where the country is now ranked in the bottom-five. The political gender gap will take 95 years to close, compared ...

Govt. launches National Broadband Mission

The government has launched the National Broadband Mission which aims to fast track growth of digital communications infrastructure, bridge the digital divide and provide affordable and universal access of broadband for all. The main objective of the NBM is to provide broadband access to all ...

Amitabha Bagchi won the DSC award 2019

The 8th edition of the IME Nepal Literature Festival, held from December 13-16 at Pokhara, concluded with the announcement of the winner of DSC Prize for South Asian Literature 2019. The $25,000 award went to Amitabha Bagchi for his 2018 novel, Half the Night is Gone. Daily Current Affairs ...

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