D.C. generators are installed near the load centres to reduce
READ MORE +D.C. generators are installed near the load centres to reduce
READ MORE +Which of the following loss in a D.C. generator is dissipated in the form of heat?
READ MORE +Which of the following steps is likely to result in reduction of hysteresis loss in a D.C. generator ?
READ MORE +Which of the following losses are significantly reduced by laminating the core of a D.C. generator ?
READ MORE +In a manual shunt motor starter
READ MORE +Torque developed by a D.C. motor depends upon
READ MORE +D.C. shunt motors are used for driving
READ MORE +Which of the following loss in a D.C. generator varies significantly with the load current ?
READ MORE +In a D.C. generator all of the following could be the effects of iron losses except
READ MORE +The losses occurring in a D.C. generator are given below. Which loss is likely to have highest proportion at rated load of the generator ?
READ MORE +The hysteresis loss in a D.C. machine least depends on
READ MORE +The main disadvantage of the Ward-Leonard control method is