Q. The role of urea in PAGE separation of DNA is to _______. Act as anionAct as cationHelps to denature the DNAProvide buffer stability of the gel Answer: Helps to denature the DNA
READ MORE +Q. The role of urea in PAGE separation of DNA is to _______. Act as anionAct as cationHelps to denature the DNAProvide buffer stability of the gel Answer: Helps to denature the DNA
READ MORE +Q. In a native PAGE, proteins are separated on the basis of net negative chargenet charge and sizenet positive charges sizenet positive charge Answer: net charge and size
READ MORE +Q. In an SDS-PAGE proteins are denatured by the SDSproteins have the same charge-to-mass ratiosmaller proteins migrate more rapidly through the gelall of the above Answer: all of the above
READ MORE +Q. In SDS-PAGE, the protein sample is first treated with a reducing agent and then with anionic detergent followed by fractionation by electrophoresisfractionated by electrophoresis then treated with an oxidizing agent followed by anionic detergenttreated with a oxidizing agent and then with ...
READ MORE +Q. In isoelectric focusing, proteins are separated on the basis of their relative content of positively charged residue onlyrelative content of negatively charged residue onlysizerelative content of positively and negatively charged residue Answer: relative content of positively and ...
READ MORE +Q. For the better resolution of minute protein bands in SDS-PAGE, which of the following staining method is advised? CBB StainingSilver stainingAvidin stainingAll of these Answer: Silver staining
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is used as a ‘tracking dye’ in SDS-PAGE of protein? Bromophenol blueXylene cyanolOrange GAll of these Answer: All of these
READ MORE +Q. The role of APS in SDS PAGE is to________. Act as a catalyst in the polymerization of acrylamideAct as a source of free radicalsAct as a bridge between acrylamide and bis-acrylamideAct as a pore builder in the polymerized gel Answer: Act as a source of free radicals
READ MORE +Q. The pH of (i) stacking, (ii) resolving gel and (iii) tank buffer in SDS PAGE is_________ respectively. (i). 8.30 (ii) 8.80 (iii) 6.80(i). 6.80 (ii) 8.80 (iii) 8.30(i). 8.30 (ii) 6.80 (iii) 8.80Any of the above Answer: (i). 6.80 (ii) 8.80 (iii) 8.30
READ MORE +Q. The main advantage of discontinuous buffer system in SDS and Native PAGE is________. Conformation of protein is conservedConstantly maintain the charge of proteinsAssist in migration of proteinEnhance resolution of separation Answer: Enhance resolution of separation
READ MORE +Q. In SDS-PAGE, migration of protein is effected by ____________. Charge of proteinSize of proteinNet charge of proteinAll of these Answer: Size of protein
READ MORE +Q. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) used in SDS PAGE is___________. An anionic detergentA cationic detergentA non-ionic detergentAn anion exchanger Answer: An anionic detergent