A catchment may be idealised as a rectangle. There are three rain gauges located inside the catchment at arbitrary locations. The average precipitation over the catchment is estimated

Q. A catchment may be idealised as a rectangle. There are three rain gauges located inside the catchment at arbitrary locations. The average precipitation over the catchment is estimated by two methods: (i) Arithmetic mean (PA), and (ii) Thiessen polygon (PT). Which one of the following statements ...

An isolated concrete pavement slab of length L is resting on a frictionless base. The temperature of the top and bottom fibre of the slab are Tt and Tb, respectively

Q. An isolated concrete pavement slab of length L is resting on a frictionless base. The temperature of the top and bottom fibre of the slab are Tt and Tb, respectively. Given: the coefficient of thermal expansion = α and the elastic modulus = E. Assuming 𝑇𝑡 > 𝑇𝑏 and the unit weight of concrete as ...

The coefficient of average rolling friction of a road is fr and its grade is +G%. If the grade of this road is doubled, what will be the percentage change in the braking distance

Q. The coefficient of average rolling friction of a road is fr and its grade is +G%. If the grade of this road is doubled, what will be the percentage change in the braking distance (for the design vehicle to come to a stop) measured along the horizontal (assume all other parameters are kept ...

Consider the pin-jointed plane truss shown in the figure (not drawn to scale). Let RP, RQ, and RR denote the vertical reactions (upward positive) applied by the supports at P, Q, and R, respectively

Q. Consider the pin-jointed plane truss shown in the figure (not drawn to scale). Let RP, RQ, and RR denote the vertical reactions (upward positive) applied by the supports at P, Q, and R, respectively, on the truss. The correct combination of (RP, RQ, RR) is represented by (A) (30, -30, ...

A plane truss is shown in the figure (not drawn to scale)

Q. A plane truss is shown in the figure (not drawn to scale). Which one of the options contains ONLY zero force members in the truss? (A) FG, FI, HI, RS                                        (B) FG, FH, HI, RS (C) FI, HI, PR, RS                                         (D) FI, FG, RS, ...

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