Q. A bar is compressed to half of its original length. The magnitude of true strain produced in the deformed bar is_____________(correct to two decimal places). Ans:
READ MORE +Q. A bar is compressed to half of its original length. The magnitude of true strain produced in the deformed bar is_____________(correct to two decimal places). Ans:
READ MORE +Q. An orthogonal cutting operation is being carried out in which uncut thickness is 0.010 mm, cutting speed is 130 m/min, rake angle is 15° and width of cut is 6 mm. It is observed that the chip thickness is 0.015 mm, the cutting force is 60 N and the thrust force is 25 N. The ratio of friction ...
READ MORE +Q. The true stress (σ) - true strain ( e ) diagram of a strain hardening material is shown in figure. First, there is loading up to point A, i.e., up to stress of 500 MPa and strain of 0.5. Then from point A, there is unloading up to point B, i.e., to stress of 100 MPa. Given that the Young’s ...
READ MORE +Q. A plane slab of thickness L and thermal conductivity k is heated with a fluid on one side (P), and the other side (Q) is maintained at a constant temperature, TQ of 25°C, as shown in the figure. The fluid is at 45°C and the surface heat transfer coefficient, h, is 10 W/m2K . The steady state ...
READ MORE +Q. An engine working on air standard Otto cycle is supplied with air at 0.1 MPa and 35°C. The compression ratio is 8. The heat supplied is 500 kJ/kg. Property data for air: cp = 1.005 kJ/kg K, cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K, R = 0.287 kJ/kg K. The maximum temperature (in K) of the cycle ...
READ MORE +Q. Steam flows through a nozzle at a mass flow rate of m = 0.1kg/s with a heat loss of 5 kW. The enthalpies at inlet and exit are 2500kJ/kg and 2350 kJ/kg, respectively. Assuming negligible velocity at inlet ( C1 » 0 ), the velocity ( C2 ) of steam (in m/s) at the nozzle exit ...
READ MORE +Q. A tank of volume 0.05 m3 contains a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at 200°C. The mass of the liquid present is 8 kg. The entropy (in kJ/kg K) of the mixture is (correct to two decimal places). Property data for saturated steam and water are: At 200°C, psat = 1.5538 MPa ...
READ MORE +Q. A solid block of 2.0 kg mass slides steadily at a velocity V along a vertical wall as shown in the figure below. A thin oil film of thickness h = 0.15 mm provides lubrication between the block and the wall. The surface area of the face of the block in contact with the oil film is 0.04 m2. The ...
READ MORE +Q. A sprinkler shown in the figure rotates about its hinge point in a horizontal plane due to water flow discharged through its two exit nozzles. The total flow rate Q through the sprinkler is 1 litre/sec and the cross-sectional area of each exit nozzle is 1 cm2. Assuming equal flow rate ...
READ MORE +Q. A slider crank mechanism is shown in the figure. At some instant, the crank angle is 45o and a force of 40 N is acting towards the left on the slider. The length of the crank is 30 mm and the connecting rod is 70 mm. Ignoring the effect of gravity, friction and inertial forces, the magnitude of ...
READ MORE +Q. A machine of mass 𝑚 = 200 kg is supported on two mounts, each of stiffness 𝑘 = 10 kN/m. The machine is subjected to an external force (in N) 𝐹(𝑡) = 50 cos 5𝑡. Assuming only vertical translatory motion, the magnitude of the dynamic force (in N) transmitted from each mount to the ground ...
READ MORE +Q. A simply supported beam of width 100 mm, height 200 mm and length 4 m is carrying a uniformly distributed load of intensity 10 kN/m. The maximum bending stress (in MPa) in the beam is (correct to one decimal place). Ans: 29.8 - 30.1