Global warming is observed century-scale rise in the _______ of the Earth’s climate system
READ MORE +Global warming is observed century-scale rise in the _______ of the Earth’s climate system
READ MORE +Ozonosphere is depleted by__________
READ MORE +CFCs have a continuing effect on the ozone layer as__________
READ MORE +UNFCCC stands for_____
READ MORE +The largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions is accounted by the economic sector
READ MORE +The major human sources of methane emissions are
READ MORE +The largest human source of carbon dioxide emissions is from
READ MORE +Which of the following statement is false about green house effect?
READ MORE +The proportion of CO2 emission by human activities that remains in the atmosphere after a specified time is called
READ MORE +The gradual rise in atmospheric temperature due to increase in green house gases is called
READ MORE +Half of the green house effect is caused by
READ MORE +Why heat trapping by CO2, CH4 etc in the atmosphere is called 'green house effect'?