When the same risk and subject matter is insured with more than one insurer is called as
READ MORE +When the same risk and subject matter is insured with more than one insurer is called as
READ MORE +When the amount for which a subject matter is insured is more than its actual value is called
READ MORE +The proportion of the risk which the direct insurer holds on his own account refers to
READ MORE +The danger of loss from the unforeseen circumstances in future refers to
READ MORE +Committee of Reforms in insurance sectors during 1993 headed by
READ MORE +Corpus fund is created with contributions from the Central Government and State Government on
READ MORE +The clause which sets out the essence of the contract is
READ MORE +Cargo Ship Caught by fire is an example of
READ MORE +The concept of bancassurance originated in
READ MORE +European started the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Kolkata in the year
READ MORE +The first Indian Insurance Act was passed in __________
READ MORE +As per the Principle of Insurable interest, it should be present in the case of life Insurance