Palk straits lies between India and
READ MORE +Palk straits lies between India and
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READ MORE +Which one of the following is not a specialized agency of UNO?
READ MORE +Who among following offers an acceptable and comprehensive definition ofInternational Relations?
READ MORE +The Tashkent Agreement was signed between Lal Bhahadur Sasthri and
READ MORE +UN Kyoto Protocol refers to
READ MORE +The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the General Assembly of the UNO in the year
READ MORE +The headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency is located in
READ MORE +Author of the book "Twenty years crisis 1992-1939: An introduction to international Relations‟, is
READ MORE +The first Secretary-General of UNO from Africa is
READ MORE +The first phase of Cold war was started with US military intervention in
READ MORE +The International Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF)was signed in 1987 by