Q. ____________ comes under the chemical monitoring of the lake. DetergentsPathogensTurbidityConductivity Answer: Detergents
READ MORE +Q. ____________ comes under the chemical monitoring of the lake. DetergentsPathogensTurbidityConductivity Answer: Detergents
READ MORE +Q. According to the income method, domestic income is equal to: Rend and Royalty + Interest + Profit + Compensation of employees + Mixed-IncomeOperating surplus + Compensation of employees + Income of self-employedBoth 1 and 2Neither 1 nor 2 Answer: Both 1 and 2
READ MORE +Q. Gross Domestic Capital Formation can be calculated as:- Gross Fixed Capital Formation + Inventory InvestmentGross Business Fixed Investment + Gross Residential Construction Investment Gross Public Investment + Inventory InvestmentNet Capital Formation + Consumption of Fixed CapitalAll of ...
READ MORE +Q. “operating surplus” refers to: Income from propertyIncome from entrepreneurshipIncome from property and entrepreneurshipNone of these Answer: Income from property and entrepreneurship
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is not included in the compensation of employees? Wages and Salaries in cashWages and Salaries in kindEmployees’ contribution to social security schemesEmployer’s contribution to social security schemes Answer: Employees’ contribution to social security schemes
READ MORE +Q. When the entire output is sold in an accounting year, the the value of output is equal to: Sales + Change in StockSalesSales – Change in the stockNone of these Answer: Sales
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is included in domestic income? Factor income from abroadWindfall gainsCapital GainsBonus for employees Answer: Bonus for employees
READ MORE +Q. If NDP at FC = ₹ 1500 and Net Factor Income to Abroad = ₹500, then NNP at FC will be:- 2000150010002500 Answer: 1000
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is a part of the Expenditure Method? Rent and RoyaltyMixed IncomeNet ExportsSales Answer: Net Exports
READ MORE +Q. Net Exports is calculated as: Exports + ImportsExports – ImportsImports – ExportsNone of these Answer: Exports – Imports
READ MORE +Q. If a farmer sells wheat to a miller for ₹ 500 and a miller sells flour to the baker for ₹ 700 and baker sells bread to the consumer for ₹ 1000, then the total value added by miller and baker are: 50030017001200 Answer: 500
READ MORE +Q. The commodity service method is another name for:- Expenditure MethodIncome MethodValue added MethodNone of these Answer: Value added Method