Q. What are Nissl bodies? Golgi bodiesLysosomesCluster of rough endoplasmic reticulumMitochondria Answer: Cluster of rough endoplasmic reticulum
READ MORE +Q. What are Nissl bodies? Golgi bodiesLysosomesCluster of rough endoplasmic reticulumMitochondria Answer: Cluster of rough endoplasmic reticulum
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is NOT found in axon? Endoplasmic reticulumNeurofibrilsMitochondriaMicrotubules Answer: Endoplasmic reticulum
READ MORE +Q. In our body involuntary actions are controlled by: Medulla in HindbrainMedulla in ForebrainMedulla in Spinal CordMedulla in Midbrain Answer: Medulla in Hindbrain
READ MORE +Q. Name the multipolar neuron which is located entirely within the central nervous system. Motor neuronEfferent neuronAfferent neuronInterneuron Answer: Interneuron
READ MORE +Q. Out of the following, which one does not affect the speed of conduction of nerve impulse. No. of gangliaMyelin sheathAxon diameterTemperature Answer: No. of ganglia
READ MORE +Q. Nervous System consists of BrainSpinal CordNervesAll the above Answer: All the above
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following structures is a part of the rhombencephalon? Temporal lobeThalamusSubstantia nigraMedulla Answer: Medulla