In cases of muscle fatigue, which of the Vitamin should be taken?
READ MORE +In cases of muscle fatigue, which of the Vitamin should be taken?
READ MORE +In cases of renal insufficiency, what should take in place of proteins?
READ MORE +Long periods of parenteral nutrition is not recommended because of ______
READ MORE +A person who is suffering from high blood pressure should cut down on _______
READ MORE +For a person suffering from problems like slow neural transmission, eg dementia, they should be given __________
READ MORE +To overcome diabetes, a person can increase the intake of ______ and reduce the intake of ___________
READ MORE +A person who has had a renal transplant should regulate the intake of ______
READ MORE +When food is given in the stomach or intestines directly then it is ________ nutrition
READ MORE +When the food is directly given in the veins, it is called ______ nutrition