Q. The ratio of the height of a man to the radius of the earth is of the order of 10 910 710 510 3 Answer: 10 7
READ MORE +Q. The ratio of the height of a man to the radius of the earth is of the order of 10 910 710 510 3 Answer: 10 7
READ MORE +Q. Fundamental Research is otherwise called Action ResearchSurveyPilot studyPure Research Answer: Pure Research
READ MORE +Q. Research related to abstract ideas or concepts is Empirical researchConceptual ResearchQuantitative researchQualitative research Answer: Conceptual Research
READ MORE +Q. Motivation Research is a type of …………… research QuantitativeQualitativePureapplied Answer: Qualitative
READ MORE +Q. Research conducted to find solution for an immediate problem is …………. Fundamental ResearchAnalytical ResearchSurveyAction Research Answer: Action Research
READ MORE +Q. Facts or information’s are analyzed and critical evaluation is made in SurveyAction researchAnalytical researchPilot study Answer: Analytical research
READ MORE +Q. Example for fact finding study is Pure ResearchSurveyAction ResearchLong term Research Answer: Survey
READ MORE +Q. Research undertaken for knowledge sake is Pure ResearchAction ResearchPilot studySurvey Answer: Pure Research
READ MORE +Q. Social research aims at IntegrationSocial HarmonyNational IntegrationSocial Equality Answer: Integration
READ MORE +Q. Research is classified on the basis of …….. and methods PurposeIntentMethodologyTechniques Answer: Intent
READ MORE +Q. Basing conclusions without any bias and value judgment is ObjectivitySpecificityValuesFacts Answer: Objectivity
READ MORE +Q. The method by which a sample is chosen UnitdesignRandomCensus Answer: design