Q. Social Science Research ……………. Problems ExplaindiagnosisRecommendFormulate Answer: diagnosis
READ MORE +Q. Social Science Research ……………. Problems ExplaindiagnosisRecommendFormulate Answer: diagnosis
READ MORE +Q. Social Science try to explain …………. Between human activities and natural lawsgoverning them Causal ConnectionreasonInteractionObjectives Answer: Causal Connection
READ MORE +Q. Fact is “empirically verifiable observation” --- is defined by Good and HattEmoryP.V. YoungClaver Answer: Good and Hatt
READ MORE +Q. Science is broadly divided into ………………. Natural and SocialNatural and PhysicalPhysical and MentalSocial and Physical Answer: Natural and Social
READ MORE +Q. Social Science deals with ……….. ObjectsHuman beingsLiving thingsNon living things Answer: Human beings
READ MORE +Q. ……….. is “systematically conceptual structure of inter related elements in someschematic form” ConceptVariableModelFacts Answer: Model
READ MORE +Q. “Empirically verifiable observation” is TheoryValueFactStatement Answer: Fact
READ MORE +Q. Theory is “ a set of systematically related propositions specifying casual relationshipamong variables” is defined by Black James and ChampionP.V. YoungEmoryGibbes Answer: Black James and Champion
READ MORE +Q. “Reasoning from general to particular “is called InductiondeductionObservationexperience Answer: deduction
READ MORE +Q. “ A system of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions thatare advanced to explain and Predict phenomena” defined by Jack GibbsPV YoungBlackRose Arnold Answer: PV Young
READ MORE +Q. “ A system of systematically interrelated concepts definitions and propositions thatare advanced to explain and predict phenomena” … is FactsValuesTheoryGeneralization Answer: Theory
READ MORE +Q. “Deduction and induction are a part of system of reasoning” – stated by CarolineP.V.YoungDewey JohnEmory Answer: P.V.Young