Q. A laser signal is sent towards the moon with a speed of light C and returns after a time f seconds. The distance of the moon from the observer is ctct/2ct-2ct-1 Answer: ct/2
READ MORE +Q. A laser signal is sent towards the moon with a speed of light C and returns after a time f seconds. The distance of the moon from the observer is ctct/2ct-2ct-1 Answer: ct/2
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following numerical values has three significant figures? 5.0550.05050.500.500 Answer: 0.500
READ MORE +Q. The value of 0.98 – 0.989 with regard to the significant digit will be: 0.0010.010 × 10-10.01 × 10-1None of these Answer: 0.01 × 10-1
READ MORE +Q. What is the number of significant figures in (3.20 + 4.80) × 105? 2345 Answer: 3
READ MORE +Q. The least count of a stop watch is 0.1s. The time of 20 oscillations of the pendulum is found to be 20s. The percentage error in the time period is 0.25%0.75%0.50%1.0% Answer: 0.50%
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is a dimensionless quantity, even when the measured quantity is not dimensionless? absolute errorGross errorRelative errorexperimental error Answer: Relative error
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following have the same dimensions as Plank’s constant? Moment of momentumMoment of fierceMomentum/distanceForce/distance Answer: Moment of momentum
READ MORE +Q. The zero error belongs to the category of: constant errorpersonal erroraccidental errorinstrumental error Answer: instrumental error
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following have the same dimensions as v2r Where v is the speed of the particle describing a circular path of radius r. ForceImpulseAccelerationMomentum Answer: Acceleration
READ MORE +Q. If the unit of force and length are doubled, the unit of energy will be 1/2 times2 times4 times1/4 times Answer: 4 times
READ MORE +Q. The density of a liquid is 13.6 g cm-3. Its value ip S.I. is 13.6 kgm-3136 kgm-313600 kgm-31360 kgm-3 Answer: 13.6 kgm-3
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following is not the name of physical quantity? KilogramDensityImpulseEnergy Answer: Kilogram