Q. What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound? DecibelCoulombHumCycles Answer: Decibel
READ MORE +Q. What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound? DecibelCoulombHumCycles Answer: Decibel
READ MORE +Q. One watt hour contains how many joules? 3.6 ✕ 108 J3.6 ✕ 102 J3.6 ✕ 103 J10-3 J Answer: 3.6 ✕ 103 J
READ MORE +Q. The surface tension of a liquid is 70 dyne/cm. In MKS system its value is? 70 N/m7 ✕ 10-2 N/m7 ✕ 102 N/m7 ✕ 103 N/m Answer: 7 ✕ 10-2 N/m
READ MORE +Q. The dimensional formula for Planck’s constant is Answer:
READ MORE +Q. At 4° C, the density of water is equal to 10-3 kg m-310-2 kg m-310 kg m-3103 kg m-3 Answer: 103 kg m-3
READ MORE +Q. One nanometer is equal to 10-6 m10-8 m10-9 m10-5 m Answer: 10-9 m
READ MORE +Q. The number of significant figures in 0.06900 is 5423 Answer: 4
READ MORE +Q. Which of the following measurements is most precise? 5.00 mm5.00 cm5.00 m5.00 km Answer: 5.00 mm
READ MORE +Q. If momentum (P ), area (A) and time ( T ) are taken to be fundamental quantities, then energy has the dimensional formula (P1 A-1 T1)(P2 A1 T1)(P2 A-1/2 T1)(P1 A1/2 T-1) Answer: (P1 A1/2 T-1)
READ MORE +Q. One torr is equal to 1 Nm 21 mm of Hg1 atm pressure1 cm of Hg Answer: 1 mm of Hg
READ MORE +Q. With due regard for significant figures, (12.5)2 = 156.250156.25156.2156 Answer: 156
READ MORE +Q. The number of significant figures in 0.00040 m is 1234 Answer: 2