UPSC Notes
Water Resources – Geography

Water is one of the vital elements on earth. It is a renewable resource, but not enough for all our needs. There are concerns about global warming and how it could affect the availability of fresh water. The growth in the population has created the danger of depleting this much-needed resource ...

Community and Conservation – Geography

The forest is one of the most important natural resources that helps our survival. These forests are being destroyed at a fast pace due to various reasons. Some of the reasons are cutting trees, mining, hunting of wild animals on large scale etc. We have to take some steps to save the forest ...

Types and Distribution of Forest and Wildlife Resources

In India, forest and wildlife resources are owned and managed by the government through the Forest Department or other government departments. Many of these forests and wildlife species are considered to be National Heritage and may not be traded in any form. The flora, fauna and habitats of ...

Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in India

Conservation refers to the management of natural resources with a view to maintain or increase their quantity, quality and genetic diversity. In conservation, human population growth is controlled so as not to overpower natural regeneration and other sources of renewal. Conservation is often ...

Flora and Fauna in India

There is a rapid decline in the percentage of forest land in India, but in terms of the total geographical area which is occupied by forests, they still have a good coverage. India has many rivers, lakes and ponds which are important wildlife habitats. The following table would elaborate on ...

Different Ways for Soil Conservation

There have various methods of soil conservation. Some of them are: Contour ploughing: Ploughing along the contour lines can check the flow of water down the slopes. It is called contour ploughing. It can be practised on the hills. Terrace cultivation: Steps can be cut out on the slopes ...

Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

Soil erosion is caused due to human activities like deforestation, over-grazing, construction and mining etc. Soil erosion is basically the same as rain washing away the soil which has resulted in serious losses for farmers. So Conservation of soil is necessary for farmers, earthen pot ...

Classification of Soils : Geography

The classification of soils in India is based on the factors causing their formation, colour, thickness, texture, age, chemical and physical properties. Soil development is an undertaking involving natural forces - weathering and erosion by running water (rivers), waves (seashore), ice ...

Soil as a Resource : Geography

There are different types of soil – each with distinct composition and appearance. The most important characteristic of topsoil is that it provides a suitable environment for plant growth. Soil is the most important renewable natural resource. It is the medium of plant growth and supports ...

Land Degradation and Conservation Measures:

Land degradation is a serious issue that worries every country; it has the potential to cause enormous harm and damage to ecosystems and the environment. Land degradation can be seen as a sequence of changes that reduces the land's ability permanently to support human communities and wildlife. ...

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