UPSC Notes
Land Use Pattern in India : Geography

The use of land has wide implications for human beings. For example, soil must be very good for agriculture so that crops are not affected by droughts or floods. It must have enough ploughland to nourish population. The settlements on hills near the river should not affect the flow of water in ...

Purposes of Land Utilisation : Geography

Land resources are used for the following purposes: 1. Forests 2. Land not available for cultivation 3. a) Barren and wasteland b) Land put to non-agricultural uses 4. Fallow lands 5. Other uncultivated lands (excluding fallow land) 6. Net sown area

Land Resources : Geography

The land is a natural resource of utmost importance. It supports natural vegetation, wildlife, human life, economic activities, transport and communication systems. It is important in view of food production, enjoyment of life to ensure better quality of life for the present generation and the ...

Resource Planning in India : Geography

India is a country of uneven resource distribution. It is one of the reasons why it has been tagged as ‘developing’ and not developed (though, some say it is developing very fast). Resources like food and water are most probably abundantly available in some regions whereas certain other ...

Resource Planning : Geography

Resource planning is a technique or skill of proper or judicious use of resources. Resource planning is a complex process that involves: (i) Identification and inventory of resources across the regions of the country. This involves surveying, mapping, qualitative and quantitative estimation and ...

Development of Resources : Geography

Resources have been used by human beings indiscriminately and this has led to the following major problems. Depletion of resources for satisfying the greed of a few individuals has aggravated the immense gap between the rich and poor countries. Accumulation of resources in a few hands, ...

Classification of Resources : Geography

A natural resource is an element of the earth that can be used to provide economic benefits. When we talk about resources, we usually think of land, timber, oil and mineral deposits. These substances called natural resources lose their productive capacity over time. Resources are essentially the ...

Resources And Development : Geography

A resource can be defined as a raw material that is utilized to produce services or goods. It is an entity that has economic value. It can be used in furtherance of the aim for which it has been created. Resources are indispensable inputs of production processes. Human beings themselves are ...

National Population Policy : Geography

The National Population Policy (NPP) 2000 provides a policy framework for imparting free and compulsory school education up to 14 years of age. It helps in formulating programmes and strategies for public health, improving the access and quality of research, health education and services. ...

Adolescent Population : Geography

Adolescents are grouped in the age group of 10 to 19 years. They are the most important resource for the future. It constitutes one-fifth of the total population of India. The nutrition requirements of adolescents are higher than those of a normal child or adult. Adolescence is the ...

Health : Geography

Health is an important component of population composition, which affects the process of development. The substantial improvement in Public Health in our country is the result of many factors such as implementation of the family planning program and health card system, improvement in sanitation ...

Occupational Structure : Geography

Occupational structure is the term applied to the distribution of the population according to different types of occupation. Occupational structure, together with social structure and cultural structure, form the fundamental fabric of the society. Occupations are classified as: Primary: ...

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