UPSC Notes
Empire of Mehmud Ghezr : Medieval Indian History

Mahmud Mahmud raided Nagarkot in the Punjab hills and Thaneshwar near Delhi in 1011. In 1018, Mahmud plundered the holy city of Mathura and also attacked Kanauj. In 1024, Mahmud marched from Multan across Rajaputana, defeated the Solanki King Bhimadeva I, plundered Anhilwad and sacked the ...

Mahmud of Ghazni (A.D. 997-1030) : Medieval Indian History

Mahmud of Ghazni the first ruler in history to assume the title of "sultan," founded the Ghaznavid Empire. His title signified that the Muslim Caliph remained the religious leader of the empire despite being the political leader of a vast swath of land, encompassing much of what is now Iran, ...

Arab Conquest of Sind (712 A.D.) : Medieval Indian History

Religion Islam was born in Mecca in Arabia. Its founder was Prophet Muhammad. But his teachings made the wealthy people of Mecca his enemies. Muhammad's position in Mecca became hopeless when his wife Khadija and uncle Abu Talib died in quick succession. In 622 the local rulers of Mecca forced ...

EARLY MEDIEVAL INDIA : Medieval Indian History

There was no political unity in north India for about five centuries. Palas of Bengal reigned supreme till the Pratiharas became the most powerful rulers of north India. But in the tenth century, the Rashtrakutas of Deccan tried to extend their power in north India but ultimately failed in their ...

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