Chickens first domesticated in southwestern China, northern Thailand, Myanmar

A recent study by scientists has revealed some new details about the earliest domestication of chicken. The research assumes significance as despite the substantial role played by chickens in human societies across the world, both the geographic and temporal origins of their domestication remain controversial.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020

Key-Points of the Report

The DNA sequencing of 863 genomes has showed the first domestication of chicken occurred in southwestern China, northern Thailand and Myanmar.

The results contradicted the earlier claim that chickens were domesticated in northern China and the Indus Valley.

The study, which involved sequencing of genomes from all four species of the genus Gallus, five sub-species of Red Jungle Fowl and various domestic chicken breeds collected worldwide, revealed single domestication from Red Jungle Fowl sub-species Gallus gallus spadiceus.

The study also demonstrated that all five Red Jungle Fowl sub-species were genetically differentiated from each other approximately 50,000 years ago (much earlier than domestication), corresponding to their geographic ranges and taxonomic classifications.

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