Chinese Language Day 2023: Language Days are observed by the United Nations to promote cultural diversity and to encourage the usage of all six official languages inside the organisation. The Chinese Language Day is observed on the sixth of 24 solar periods known as Guyu, which falls around April 20th in the Gregorian calendar. This day is dedicated to honoring Cangjie, the inventor of Chinese characters, and his legend of creating the characters amidst cries from deities and ghosts and rain of millet.
April 2023 Current Affairs Quiz
In 2023, we reach the midpoint towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Unfortunately, we are currently lagging behind on several of the goals, and as Secretary-General António Guterres has emphasised, it is critical to take prompt action and intensify efforts to regain progress towards sustainable development.
Chinese Language Day 2023: Theme
This year’s Chinese Language Day will showcase Chinese solutions and wisdom for encouraging green and sustainable development under the subject “Chinese Wisdom for a Green World.” This theme is intended to align with other significant events related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as the Water Conference and the SDG Summit, that have taken place or are planned to take place this year under the auspices of the United Nations.
Chinese Language Day: History
Chinese was recognized as one of the official languages of the United Nations in 1946. However, in the early years, it was not widely usedChinese Language Day 2023 observed on 20th April in the organization’s work. After the People’s Republic of China regained its legal powers at the United Nations in 1971, the situation improved. In 1973, the General Assembly designated Chinese as a working language, which was later followed by the Security Council in 1974. Since then, an increasing number of UN offices and staff members have been working with the Chinese language.