Current Affairs is the most important area in all competitive exams. But the difficulty level is very high. That’s why; many aspirants get confused, how to select Current Affairs for Preparation of Competitive Examination? Here we have tried to cover each and every point and also included all important facts from National/ International news that are useful for upcoming competitive examinations such as UPSC, SSC, Railway, State Govt. etc.
Daily Current Affairs 30 May 2021
International Day of Action for Women’s Health 2021

The International Day of Action for Women’s Health is celebrated on May 28 each year which for over 30 years, women’s rights advocates and allies in the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) movement worldwide have commemorated in diverse ways.
The main objective of this day is to raise awareness on the issues related to women’s health and well being such as Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
It is one of the best platforms to remind everyone specially the government leaders and parliamentarians that the women’s health matters.
Year after year, women, girls, advocates and allies have continued to take action and stand up for sexual and reproductive rights for what they are: an indivisible and inalienable part of our human rights.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) include the following rights. Right to:
- Receive information on sexuality
- Sexuality education
- Choose their partner
- Take decision to be sexually active or not
- Decide when to have children
- Use modern contraceptive methods
- Access to maternity care
- Safe abortion and post-abortion care
- Know about Prevention, care, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and infection
Defence Secretary launched DG NCC Mobile Training App 2.0

Defence Secretary of India, Dr Ajay Kumar launched Directorate General National Cadet Corps (NCC) Mobile Training App Version 2.0 in New Delhi.
The app will assist in conducting countrywide online training to NCC cadets during the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.
It is aimed at providing NCC-related basic information and entire training material (Syllabus, Précis, Training Videos, Frequently Asked Questions) on one platform.
It provides the NCC cadets easy access to training material and assists in carrying out training during the pandemic.
National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth into disciplined and patriotic citizens.
DRDO developed near-isothermal forging technology for aero-engines

DRDO announced a modest step towards achieving the ultimate aeronautical challenge, one that even resource-rich China is struggling to achieve: Developing a jet engine with the thrust to power a fighter in combat.
This technological breakthrough, which involves developing complex titanium and nickel-based alloys that can withstand temperatures of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius, was achieved by the DRDO’s premier metallurgical laboratory, the Hyderabad-based Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL).
The technology has been developed by Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), a premier metallurgical laboratory of DRDO at Hyderabad.
This is a crucial technology for establishing self-reliance in aeroengine technology. With this development, India has joined the league of limited global engine developers to have the manufacturing capabilities of such critical aero engine components.
To meet the bulk production requirements, DMRL technology was transferred to M/s MIDHANI through a licensing agreement for technology transfer (LAToT).
ICG’s operations to control the fire onboard MV X-Press Pearl

Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ships ‘Vaibhav’ and ‘Vajra’ continue to battle the fire onboard container ship MV X-Press Pearl off Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The distressed vessel MV X-Press Pearl was carrying 1,486 containers with nitric acid and other hazardous IMDG code chemicals.
The extreme fire, damage to containers and prevailing inclement weather has caused the vessel to tilt to one side resulting in falling of containers overboard.
The ICG Dornier aircraft operating from Madurai undertook aerial reconnaissance of the area on May 27, 2021.
ICG ship Samudra Prahari, a specialised Pollution Response (PR) vessel, has also been despatched in PR configuration to augment the firefighting efforts and respond to any oil spill.
National AI Portal (INDIAai) celebrated its first anniversary

The ‘National AI Portal’, celebrated its first anniversary on May 28, 2021, in a virtual event attended by nearly 400 participants and dignitaries.
The National AI Portal is a joint initiative by Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY), National e-Governance Division (NeGD) and NASSCOM and serves as a central hub for AI related news, learning, articles, events and activities etc., in India and beyond.
The portal was launched by the Union Minister for Electronics and IT, Law and Justice and Communications, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad on May 30, 2020.
The event also witnessed the monthly ‘AI Pe Charcha’ based on the theme ‘Implementing Trustworthy AI Solutions’.
The AI based operational excellence framework and Live Enterprise Application Platform (LEAP) and several implemented use cases were also demonstrated, especially the use of AI in GST Network for fraud detection.
To mark completion of one year of operations, INDIAai showcased its achievements through a video, which was followed by the release of a report titled ‘One year of INDIAai’
Veer Savarkar birth anniversary

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently paid tributes to pioneering Hindutva ideologue Veer Savarkar on his birth anniversary.
Savarkar was born in 1883 in Maharashtra, and is seen as a hero, especially to parties and organisations which subscribe to Hindutva views.
Veer Savarkar was a freedom fighter. He called 1857 revolt as the first war of independence. He founded the following Organizations: Abhinav Bharat Society and Free India Society.
He was also a member of India House. He was not the founder of Hindu Mahasabha, but he did served as its president. He opposed the Quit India struggle in 1942, calling it a “Quit India but keep your army” movement.
Savarkar endorsed the ideal of India as a Hindu Rashtra and is credited with developing the Hindu nationalist political ideology Hindutva.
He wrote the book ”Joseph Mazzini- Biography and Politics.” He published “The Indian War of Independence” about the Indian rebellion of 1857.
Education Ministry to provides monetary assistance to students

The Union Minister for Education approved the proposal to provide monetary assistance to 11.8 crore students (118 million students) through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) of the cooking cost component of the mid-day-meal scheme, to all eligible children, as a special welfare measure.
This will give a fillip to the Midday Meal programme. This is in addition to the Government of India’s announcement of distribution of free-of-cost food grains @ 5 Kg per person per month to nearly 80 Crore beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PM-GKAY).
With a view to enhancing enrolment, retention and attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children, the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in 1995. In 2001 MDMS became a cooked Mid Day Meal Scheme.
The Mid-Day Meal Scheme covers children of classes I-VIII studying in government, government-aided schools, special training centres (STC) and madarsas/ maqtabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). It is the largest school feeding programme in the world.
The Midday Meal Scheme is covered by the National Food Security Act, 2013.
The cost and complications of transplanting a tree

The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) wants to transplant over 1,800 trees which are inside what used to be the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) complex, as part of the Central Vista redevelopment project.
CPWD is yet to seek permission from the Delhi Forest Department, but it has already made its intent clear by floating a tender to transplant these trees.
A tree cannot be transplanted by simply uprooting it and placing it in a pit dug elsewhere. The process involves multiple steps and requires significant expertise.
First, the soil around the tree is dug up to isolate the roots. The big branches are lopped off, leaving only small shoots for regeneration. This is done to make transportation of the tree to the new location easier.
The root system is covered with wet gunny bags to protect the roots and to keep the tree hydrated. The tree has to be first sent to a nursery to acclimatise to a new kind of soil, and to regenerate.
Once new shoots start sprouting, the tree is lowered into a pit created in its new spot.
Significant discovery of new spider cricket from Chhattisgarh

Found in the Kurra caves of Chhattisgarh in April 2021 by a team of zoologists headed by Dr Ranjana Jaiswara of the Zoology Department of Panjab University, Chandigarh, the new subgenus was named Jayanti after Professor Jayant Biswas, one of the leading cave explorers in the country
Jayanti has become the twelfth subgenus, or species, of cricket identified under the genus Arachnomimus Saussure, 1897. The new find has been published in the reputed journal Zootaxa this month.
Arachnomimus is the genus name given by Swiss Entomologist Henri Louis Frédéric de Saussure in 1878 to crickets that resembled spiders.
This is apt because crickets of this group are commonly called spider crickets because of their smaller body size and long legs.
The newly discovered subgenus, Indimimus, is different from the two subgenera, Arachnomimus and Euarachnomimus, because of the male genitalia structure.
Centre transfers Srinagar Leh transmission system to Power Grid

The Ministry of Power transferred the prestigious 220 kV Srinagar-Drass-Kargil-Khaltsi-Leh Transmission System to Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID).
The transmission system was dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister in February 2019, and it connects the Ladakh region to the national grid, ensuring quality and reliable power supply.
Built at a height of around 3000-4000 meters, this 335-km long transmission line traverses snow-bound difficult hilly terrain. It comprises of four new state-of-the-art 220/66 kV Gas Insulated Sub-stations and 66 kV interconnection systems at Drass, Kargil, Khaltsi and Leh.
The project was executed by POWERGRID on consultancy basis under Prime Minister’s Reconstruction Plan (PMRP) Scheme.
Subsequent to reorganisation of the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) into UTs of J&K and Ladakh, the 220 kV Srinagar-Leh Transmission System has been re-designated as Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) and transferred to POWERGRID with effect from 31.10.2019, the date of formation of the two UTs of J&K and Ladakh.
Recommendations of 43rd GST Council meeting

The 43rd GST Council met under the Chairmanship of Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman.
The GST Council has made the following recommendations relating to changes in GST rates on supply of goods and services and changes related to GST law and procedure:
As a COVID-19 relief measure, a number of specified COVID-19 related goods such as medical oxygen, oxygen concentrators and other oxygen storage and transportation equipment, certain diagnostic markers test kits and COVID-19 vaccines, etc., have been recommended for full exemption from IGST.
In view of rising Black Fungus cases, the above exemption from IGST has been extended to Amphotericin B.
To support the LympahticFilarisis (an endemic) elimination programme being conducted in collaboration with WHO, the GST rate on Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) tablets has been recommended for reduction to 5% (from 12%).
GST on MRO services in respect of ships/vessels shall be reduced to 5% (from 18%).
The Finance Minister also announced an amnesty scheme for small GST taxpayers, allowing filing of returns with reduced late fees.
The GST Council will hold a special session to discuss extending paying compensation to states beyond 2022.
Annual return filing has also been simplified. The Council has recommended amending the CGST Act to allow for self-certification of reconciliation statements, instead of getting it certified by Chartered Accountants.
Randeep Hooda removed as ambassador of UN’s environmental treaty

Actor Randeep Hooda has been removed as the ambassador of Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), United Nation’s environmental treaty.
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals is an international agreement that aims to conserve migratory species throughout their ranges.
The Agreement was signed under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme and is concerned with conservation of wildlife and habitats on a global scale.
Signed in 1979 in Bonn, West Germany, the Convention entered into force in 1983. As of September 2020, there are 131 Member States to the Convention. The depositary is the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
I hope these Daily Current Affairs 30 May 2021 are useful to you. These current affairs cover all the topics you should know for your upcoming competitive examinations. I compiled these current affairs today from various news outlets including The Hindu, Indian Express, Live Mint as well as various authentic sources including PIB report, Down to earth magazine, Yojana, and Kurukshetra.