
Delhi to begin clinical trial of plasma enrichment technique

Delhi to begin clinical trial of plasma enrichment technique

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that the Doctors will conduct the clinical trial of plasma enrichment technique to treat severely-ill coronavirus patients soon.

Clinical trial of plasma method:
♦ The clinical trial of the plasma method will be conducted in Delhi. 
♦ If the trial is successful, the method will be implemented to save the lives of serious COVID-19 patients.
♦ The method was used in the past to treat diseases such as polio, measles, mumps, 1918 flu epidemic, and in previous outbreaks of respiratory infections namely H1N1 influenza, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).
♦ Under the method, Plasma from the blood of the people who have recovered from COVID-19 will be collected. It is believed that it might contain antibodies to the virus that causes the disease and might be effective against the infection.

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