Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways has compiled the draft guidelines for technical specifications of floating structures, with a vision to set up and deploy world-class floating infrastructure all along the coastline and issued the same for public consultation.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Floating structure because of its inherent advantages, is attractive solution and being encouraged by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.
Deployment of floating jetties, especially in locations having a large tidal range, where conventional quay poses problems during low tide periods, is very convenient.
The benefits of floating jetties over the conventional quay and fixed concrete structures are as follows:
- It is a cost-effective solution and much cheaper than conventional structures price.
- Setting up of floating structures is much faster as compared to conventional jetties. Usually, floating structures can be built in 6-8 months as compared to 24 months for conventional structures.
- Its environmental impact is minimal.
- Expansions are easily feasible due to modular construction techniques.
- It is easily transportable in case of reconfiguring of the port.
- It provides constant freeboard between jetties and boats.