An Expert Committee on Investment Funds to recommend to International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) on the road map for the funds industry in the International Financial Service Centres IFSCs in India has been constituted by the IFSCA.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
The Fund Industry has been playing an increasingly important role in intermediating between seekers of capital and investors.
IFSC has been actively engaging with stakeholders to enhance the Global reach of GIFT-IFSC.
The regulatory approach has been to benchmark with Global Standards and adopt a facilitative framework to provide ease of operations for seeker as well as provider of capital.
The terms of reference of the Expert Committee are-
- To recommend IFSCA on long term vision for operations of Investment Funds in IFSC.
- To make recommendations with respect to structure of Investment Funds in IFSC.
- To identify issues that may be critical for development of the Investment Funds industry at IFSCs including inter-regulatory issues.
- Any other relevant item on building the ecosystem inter-alia on asset managers, hedge funds, PE, VC, sovereign funds, family offices, and the accompanying professional services.