An expert group has been constructed by the Labour and Employment Ministry to provide technical inputs and recommendations on fixation of minimum wages and national floor for minimum wages.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
This is the second expert committee on minimum wages formed by the government within the last two years.
The recently constructed expert group has been constituted for a period of three years and is chaired by Ajit Mishra, Director, Institute of Economic Growth.
It includes Tarika Chakraborty, IIM Calcutta; Anushree Sinha, Senior Fellow, NCAER; Vibha Bhalla, Joint Secretary; H Srinivas, Director General, VVGNLI as the members and DPS Negi, Senior Labour and Employment Advisor as the Member Secretary.
Under the Code on Wages, which is yet to be enforced, a National Floor Level Minimum Wage will be set by the Centre to be revised every five years, while states will fix minimum wages for their regions, which cannot be lower than the floor wage.