Topography: People refers to live on plains because these areas are suitable for farming, manufacturing and service activities. The topography of a country is a very important factor that affects the population concentration of a particular area. Countries that have the highest percentage of area under plains will have the highest population density.
Climate: Climate is the most important factor in determining the distribution of population. The reason is related to its influence on living conditions of man. As temperature rises, people can work at a greater rate, crops also grow faster and hard labour becomes easier. Besides, areas haying extreme temperature are relatively poorer in natural resources. Therefore, population has always preferred moderate climates.
Soil: Soil is an essential factor affecting the distribution of population. The soil which becomes fertile due to atmospheric factors like rainfall becomes suitable for agricultural purposes. It is well developed and richly replenished. Minimal agriculture is developed in areas that are sandy, loose, filled with stones and rocks.
Water: Water or water supply is one of the most important factor in shaping the distribution of population in the world. Some part of the world has an abundance fresh water available during all parts of year, but other areas may lack it. There are two types of areas where the population is distributed the major part of the population lives in dense population area.
Minerals: Minerals play a very important role in geography. They have a lot to do with the distribution of population over the earth. No matter what the climate is, minerals play a key role in attracting large amounts of population. Large mineral deposits magnetize people towards a region and in this way they affect the distribution of population all over the earth. Our planet is brimming with minerals that are required by man for his survival. They range from automotive products to building blocks, from home appliances to decorative items.