
For a hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed laminar flow through a circular pipe of constant cross-section, the Nusselt number at constant wall heat flux ( Nuq )

For a hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed laminar flow through a circular pipe of constant cross-section, the Nusselt number at constant wall heat flux ( Nuq )

Q. For a hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed laminar flow through a circular pipe of constant cross-section, the Nusselt number at constant wall heat flux ( Nuq ) and that at constant wall temperature ( NuT ) are related as

(A) Nuq > NuT                                                                            

(B) Nuq < NuT

(C) Nuq = NuT 

(D) Nuq = (NuT )2

Ans: Nuq > NuT  

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