Chak-Hao, the black rice of Manipur and the Gorakhpur terracotta have bagged the Geogrphical Indication (GI) tag.
Chak-Hao is scented glutinous rice. It has been cultivated in Manipur over centuries. It is characterized by its special aroma.
It is normally eaten during community feasts and is served as Chak-Hao kheer. Chak-Hao has also been used by traditional medical practitioners as part of traditional medicine.
This rice takes the longest cooking time of 40-45 minutes due to the presence of a fibrous bran layer and higher crude fibre content.
The terracotta work of Gorakhpur is a centuries-old traditional art form. In this method, the potters make various animal figures like horses, elephants, camels, goats, ox, etc. with hand-applied ornamentation.
The entire work is done with bare hands and artisans use natural colour, which stays fast for a long time. There are more than 1,000 varieties of terracotta work designed by the local craftsmen.