The Haryana Cabinet has approved a proposal to bring an ordinance to give 75 per cent reservation in private sector jobs to the youth of the state. The draft of the ordinance will be placed before the Council of Ministers in its next meeting.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Under it, 75% of the new employment will be given to local candidates for jobs having salary of less than Rs 50,000 per month in various privately managed companies, Societies, Trusts, Limited Liability Partnership Firms, partnership firms etc. situated in the State of Haryana.
However, the employers will have the option to recruit local candidates from one district to only 10 per cent.
Exemption clause shall also be provided if suitable local candidates are not available for a particular category of industry.
Last year, the Andhra Pradesh assembly had passed a bill to provide 75% reservation to locals in private jobs, becoming the first state to take such a step. The bill has been challenged on the grounds of constitutional validity in the Andhra Pradesh high court.
Objections were raised on the grounds of violation of Article 14 [equality before law] and Article 19 (1)(g) [protection of certain rights to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business] of the Constitution.