Homer, Shiv and Bern started a business. If the investment of Bern is 25% more than that of Shiv and the investment of Homer is 25%

Homer, Shiv and Bern started a business. If the investment of Bern is 25% more than that of Shiv and the investment of Homer is 25% less than that of Shiv and at the end of the business, Homer’s profit is half of the profit share of Bern and the profit share of Shiv is 6(2/3)% more than the profit share of Homer. Find the ratio of the investment time period of Homer, Shiv and Bern?

A. 3:4:9

B. 3:2:5

C. 4:3:5

D. 5:4:6

E. None of these


Investment of Homer = 3x

Investment of Shiv = 100/75 * 3x = 4x

Investment of Bern = 125/100 * 4x = 5x

Let Profit share of Homer = 30y

Profit share of Bern = 2/1 * 30y = 60y

Profit share of Shiv = 30y * (320/300) = 32y

Required ratio = 30y/3x:32y/4x:60y/5x

= 10:8:12

= 5:4:6

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