The ministry of information and broadcasting is setting up a committee to review the guidelines on television rating agencies in India, according to an order issued by the ministry.
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The body is to submit its report to the I&B minister within the next two months.
The committee will be chaired by Shashi S. Vempati, CEO, Prasar Bharti.
The Terms of Reference for the Committee shall be as under:
- Study past recommendations made by various forums on the subject of television rating systems in India and matter incidental thereto;
- Study recent recommendations of Telecom Regulatory Authority on the subject;
- Suggest steps for enhancing competition in the sector;
- Review of the presently notified guidelines to see if the intended purpose(s) of issuing the guidelines have stood the test of time and has met needs of various stakeholders involve The lacunae, if any, shall be specially addressed by the Committee.