If the second letter from the left end of all the words are taken after arranging the letters of each word in alphabetical order within the word, then which of the following options will have maximum number of vowels?
A. Asset, Basic, Catch
B. Click, Death, Entry
C. Grand, Horse, Joint
D. Least, Magic, Never
E. Phone, Quite, Round
8) Answer: D
a) Asset, Basic, Catch→aesst, abcis, accht→ebc
b) Click, Death, Entry→ccikl, adeht, enrty→cdn
c) Grand, Horse, Joint→adgnr, ehors, ijnot→dhj
d) Least, Magic, Never→aelst, acgim, eenrv→ece
e) Phone, Quite, Round→ehnop, eiqtu, dnoru→hin