The Bengaluru based Indian Institute of Science and R&D Centre of Indian Oil Corporation have signed an MOU to develop and demonstrate biomass gasification based hydrogen generation technology for producing fuel cell-grade hydrogen at an affordable price.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
Both IISc and Indian Oil will demonstrate the technology in the Indian Oil R&D Centre in Faridabad.
The technology is crucial for the fuel cell operated buses being conceived by Indian Oil towards ushering in the country’s hydrogen economy.
Indian Oil Corporation had recently launched trials of 50 buses in Delhi using hydrogen-CNG as a fuel, based on Indian oil patented single step reforming technology. It is now working with IISc to use hydrogen production technology based on biomass gasification.
IISc has worked on biomass gasification and developed an innovative process for the production of hydrogen rich syngas and a small scale prototype is demonstrated in the IISc campus.
The use of this technology will not only provide a cleaner energy option for India but also be a step towards addressing the challenge of biomass waste.