The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has launched a Data Platform of ‘Integrated Database on Infrastructure Projects’ (IDIP) aimed at enhancing the efficiency of infrastructure development in India and enable effective decision-making among different stakeholders involved in the infrastructure sector.
India’s infrastructure network is among the largest in the world. The Government of India along with different State Governments and Local Agencies has embarked on an ambitious investment-led plan to boost the capacity and quality of infrastructure services.
The launch of Data Platform:
The Data Platform was launched on May 29, 2019 during the fifteenth World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) conference held at IIT Bombay in a special session on Public-Private Partnership in Indian Transport Sector.
data platform was released by Prof G Raghuram, Director, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, in the presence of Prof Thillai Rajan A, IIT Madras, and Prof Swapnil Garg, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Indore and Co-ordinator of PPPINDIANET.
The initial focus of IDIP would be on the Road Sector, which has received the highest private investment among all infrastructure sectors. The PPP (Public Private Partnership) programme in the roads sector in India is the largest in the world.
Salient features of the IDIP platform include:
Data coverage across the project lifecycle comprising development, construction and operation phases close to fifty different parameters are tracked for the projects,
Data curated and validated from multiple sources,
Covers almost all the PPP road projects awarded so far, including those awarded by the state governments. The database would be enriched with the NHAI EPC projects shortly,
The only source that provides the financial performance data of the Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs),
Querying, visual analytics and search features of the platform facilitate ease of analysis and decision making
In addition to roads, other transportation sectors such as Railways, Ports, and Airports would also be included in the platform shortly. In the next phase, the coverage of IDIP would also encompass other sectors of infrastructure such as power, transmission, water supply, sanitation and solid waste management.
Technical expertise for the development was contributed by faculty members from multiple institutions.
Faculty members involved:
Faculty members who contributed in this effort are Dr Ashwin Mahalingam, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Dr Akash Deep, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, Prof.Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay, Prof Ganesh Devkar, CEPT University. The development partner for the project was Akara Research and Technologies.
Faculty members who contributed in this effort are Dr Ashwin Mahalingam, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Dr Akash Deep, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University, Prof.Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay, Prof Ganesh Devkar, CEPT University. The development partner for the project was Akara Research and Technologies.
About IIT Madras
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) was established in 1959 by the Government of India as an institute of national importance.
The activities of the Institute in various fields of Technology and Science are carried out in 16 academic departments and several advanced interdisciplinary Research Academic Centres.