Q. In a certain code language following statements are coded. How “High” is coded in the given code language?
I. “Low Fat Mineral Diet” is coded as “kg dm zgfo” and “Protein High Shake Fat” is coded as “gimo lo fo”.
II. “Shake Fat High Diet” is coded as “fo lo gi kg” and “Low Fat Protein Shake” is coded as “zgfomogi”.
A. If only statement I is alone sufficient to answer the question
B. If only statement II is alone sufficient to answer the question
C. If either statement I or II is alone sufficient to answer the question
D. If both statements I and II together not sufficient to answer the question
E. If both statements I and II together sufficient to answer the question
Ans: If both statements I and II together sufficient to answer the question
From I:
“Low Fat Mineral Diet” is coded as “kg dm zgfo”.
“Protein High Shake Fat” is coded as “gimo lo
Thus, based on the above given information we
High → lo/mo/gi
Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.
From II:
“Shake Fat High Diet” is coded as “fo lo gi kg”.
“Low Fat Protein Shake” is coded as “zgfomo
Based on the above given information we have:
High → lo/kg
Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.
From I and II:
High → lo
Hence, both statements I and II together