In an oil well, the pressure at the gas oil contact (GOC) at a depth of 2000 m is 205 bar (gauge), as shown in the figure

Q. In an oil well, the pressure at the gas oil contact (GOC) at a depth of 2000 m is 205 bar (gauge), as shown in the figure.

The static oil pressure gradient is 0.08 bar/m in the pay zone. If a constant hydrostatic pressure gradient of 0.1 bar/m prevails throughout the subsurface, then the thickness of the oil column is    m (round off to 1 decimal place).



0.1 x (2000 + ho) = 205 + (0.08 x ho)
200 + 0.1 ho = 205 + 0.08ho
0.02ho = 5
ho = 250 m

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