In appreciation of the social improvements completed in a town, a wealthy philanthropist decided to

Q. In appreciation of the social improvements completed in a town, a wealthy philanthropist decided to gift Rs 750 to each male senior citizen in the town and Rs 1000 to each female senior citizen. Altogether, there were 300 senior citizens eligible for this gift. However, only 8/9th of the eligible men and 2/3rd of the eligible women claimed the gift. How much money (in Rupees) did the philanthropist give away in total?

(A) 1,50,000(B) 2,00,000
(C) 1,75,000(D) 1,51,000

Ans: 2,00,000


Let there be x total men. Total amount paid = x * 750 * 8/9 + (300 – x)*1000*2/3 = x*2000/3 + 300*1000*2/3 – x*2000/3 = 200000

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