
In Critical Path Method (CPM) for time scheduling, ‘forward pass calculation’ is carried out for determining

In Critical Path Method (CPM) for time scheduling, ‘forward pass calculation’ is carried out for determining

Q. In Critical Path Method (CPM) for time scheduling, ‘forward pass calculation’ is carried out for determining

(A) Late start and early finish time         

(B) Early start and early finish time

(C) Late start and late finish time            

(D) Early start and late finish time

Ans: Early start and early finish time


‘Forward pass calculation’ is carried out for determining Early start and early finish time.
(a) Forward Pass Computations : (EST)ij = Ei.
(EFT)ij = Maximum of [(EST)ij + tEij]∀ i – j leading into event j
(b) Backward Pas Computations :
(LFT)ij = Ei.
(EFT)ij = Maximum of [(LFT)ij + tijE]∀i – j emanating from node i

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