India and Bangladesh signed 5 MoUs in the fields of Disaster Management, trade, NCC, ICT and setting up of sports facilities on the concluding day of the 2-day long official visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
Foundation stone was laid for infrastructure development for power evacuation facilities from the Rooppur Nuclear power plant.
The Bangladesh leg of the Banagabandhu-Bapu Digital Exhibition was inaugurated by the two Prime Ministers. It will be taken to other parts of the world including the UN.
Both the leaders also unveiled the foundation stone for the construction of a memorial at Ashuganj honoring the martyrs of Indian armed forces in the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh.
India gifted 109 life support ambulances to Bangladesh and also 1.2 million doses of the Covishield vaccine.
Three border haats were also opened along the India-Bangladesh border.