The government of India has extended the safeguard duty on Chinese solar power equipment by one more year till July 29, 2021 to help boost local manufacturing. The items also include digital offset printing plates, and a raw material used in making industrial chemicals.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
A duty of 14.9% will be levied on such imports for six months from July 30, 2020 to January 28, 2021 while the duty will be slightly lesser at 14.5% in the following six months.
The revenue department notified continuation of the duty on solar cells and panels for another year and imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on import of digital offset printing plates and provisional anti-dumping duty on aniline oil used in making certain industrial chemicals.
The extension of the safeguard duty on solar cells and panels follows the expiry of the existing safeguard duty on the item on 29 July.
The government order said the safeguard duty is to be paid on these items at a rate of 14.9% for the first six months and at 14.5% for the remaining six months.
Exporters will be given relief from the safeguard duty to the extent of any anti-dumping duty paid on the items.
The duty also applies to imports from Thailand and Vietnam but excludes imports from any other developing nation.