India will make the best of its two-year term in the UN Security Council and underscore that it establishes the right to be a permanent member of the 15-nation body.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
India is Chair of the Libyan Sanctions Committee. Mr Shringla’s visit comes as India prepares to assume the Presidency of the powerful 15-nation UN body next month.
The Security Council is one of the UN’s six main organs, and is aimed at maintaining international peace and security. It held its first session on 17 January 1946 in Westminster, London.
The UNSC has 15 member and five of them — US, UK, Russia, China and France — are permanent members, who have veto rights. The ten elected or non-permanent members have a tenure of two years. At present, the non-permanent members are Estonia, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam.
Non-permanent members of the Security Council, however, do not have veto rights. This, in the eyes of several observers, makes them a toothless grouping because they cannot assert their will on any matter of international concern, merely persuade or dissuade other member states from acting in a certain way.
The council responds to crises around the world on a case-by-case basis and takes action based on options that do not involve armed force. For instance, economic and trade sanctions, arms embargoes, travel bans and financial or commodity restrictions.