Waste to Energy plant at Okhla, Delhi, between Indian Oil, NTPC Ltd and South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has signed a MoU. Under the MoU, Indian Oil, SDMC and NTPC shall come together to develop a demonstration Waste-to-energy Plant at Okhla landfill site in Delhi, using Gasification technology.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020
This Plant shall process 17500 tons per annum of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) produced from combustible components of Municipal Waste to generate syngas which shall in turn be used to generate electricity.
The problem of Solid Municipal waste is rampant throughout the country, more so in Tier II and III cities.
Large mounds of wastes are not only health hazards and environmental concerns, but also big eyesores.
There is a legacy of big mounds of waste accumulated over several decades, while on the other hand, there is not enough space for the current waste.
The city has the capacity to process only half of its waste. The commissioning of such plants will not only provide a clean and environment-friendly way to handle solid wastes, but also generate gas and manure.