Prime Minister Modi recently inaugurated the International Cooperation & Convention Centre ‘Rudraksh’ in Varanasi. It has been made with the financial help of Japan.
Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2021
As many as 108 Rudraksh have been installed at the convention centre and its roof is shaped like a Shiva Linga.
Rudraksha is a seed that is used as a prayer bead in Hinduism, as well as other traditions, for example many people within western tradition also use Rudraksha.
When they are ripe, rudraksha seeds are covered by a blue outer fruit and are sometimes called blueberry beads.
The seeds are produced by several species of large, evergreen, broad-leaved tree in the genus Elaeocarpus, the principal of which is Elaeocarpus ganitrus.
The seeds are associated with the Hindu Lord Shiva and are commonly worn for protection and for chanting mantras such as Om Namah Shivaya.