International Internet Day is celebrated on 29 October: International Internet Day is celebrated around the world on October 29 every year to celebrate access to the Internet for the first time. On this day, the first electronic message was sent which was transferred in 1969 from one computer to another. At that time, the Internet was known as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). The Internet allows instant access to information.
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Search engines make this information easy to attain. Besides gaining knowledge, internet users have an endless supply of entertainment. The internet makes it possible to do banking and shopping from the comfort of your own home. The internet is also a great way to make donations and raise funds.
International Internet Day: History
The Internet is defined as a remote connection between two computers. The first internet connection was established on October 29, 1969. This was just two months after Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. To commemorate this event, the first International Internet Day was celebrated on 29 October 2005. International Internet Day is promoted by the Association of Internet Users.
The first message was sent electronically on October 29, 1969.The message was passed from one computer to the next. ARPANET was the name given to the Internet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). It was a momentous event in the history of telecommunications and technology when a student programmer named Charlie Kline sent the first electronic message “Lo”.