ISRO Successfully Tests CE20 Cryogenic Engine

On December 12, 2024, ISRO successfully completed a critical milestone with the sea-level hot test of its CE20 cryogenic engine at the ISRO Propulsion Complex in Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu. This test, conducted on November 29, 2024, was a crucial step for upcoming space missions and demonstrated the engine’s restart-enabling systems under ambient conditions. The CE20 cryogenic engine, developed indigenously by ISRO, plays a vital role in enhancing India’s space exploration capabilities.

The CE20 cryogenic engine significantly boosts India’s space program by enhancing the thrust and efficiency of rockets, enabling the launch of heavier payloads. This achievement positions ISRO among the few countries—along with the US, France, Russia, China, and Japan—that have developed indigenous cryogenic engines. With a thrust level of 19 tonnes, the CE20 has already powered several successful missions, including Chandrayaan-3, and is being upgraded to a thrust level of 22 tonnes for future missions like Gaganyaan. This progression strengthens India’s self-reliance in space technology and contributes to future missions such as interplanetary exploration and satellite launches.

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