
Kerala signs pact with UN Women to empower women in tourism

Kerala signs pact with UN Women to empower women in tourism

Kerala signs pact with UN Women: The Kerala government and UN Women signed an agreement to promote women-friendly activities in the state’s tourism industry. Kerala Tourism and UN Women India committed to promoting gender-inclusive tourist destinations throughout the State through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU).

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Kerala signs pact with UN Women: Key Points

The terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by Susan Ferguson, a representative of UN Women India, and P B Nooh, director of Kerala tourism, will be carried out by the Responsible Tourism Mission. In addition to offering advice for baseline research, implementing women-friendly tourist destinations, and supporting interventions to change pervasive discriminatory social norms, this will be accomplished by creating modules and building the capacity of relevant stakeholders, according to the press release.

Kerala’s Minister of Tourism, P A Mohamed Riyas, officially opened the four-day summit, stating that the MoU was a continuation of the State government’s increased efforts towards women-friendly tourism since October last year. There are 280 delegates and 70 speakers in the conclave.

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