
L&DO issues notice to PTI over ₹84 crore dues for Parliament Street office

L&DO issues notice to PTI over ₹84 crore dues for Parliament Street office

Land and De­vel­op­ment Of­fice (L&DO) of Union Hous­ing and Ur­ban Af­fairs Min­istry has is­sued no­tice to the news agency Press Trust of In­dia over dues for its of­fice on Par­lia­ment Street, giv­ing it time till Au­gust 7 to pay ₹84.48 crore or face penalty and fur­ther ac­tion un­der the lease agree­ment.

Daily Current Affairs Quiz 2020


Ac­cord­ing to a Min­istry of­fi­cial, the pend­ing dues in­clude ground rent and reg­u­lar­i­sa­tion charges for unau­tho­rised con­struc­tion since 1984. The of­fi­cial said no dues had been paid since then.

The pend­ing dues in­clude ground rent and reg­u­lar­i­sa­tion charges for unau­tho­rised con­struc­tion since 1984. The of­fi­cial said no dues had been paid since then.

Asked about the tim­ing of the no­tice, the of­fi­cial said the process had started be­fore the lock­down that was im­posed in March and that an in­spec­tion was con­ducted in Fe­bru­ary.

The no­tice comes just weeks af­ter state broad­caster Prasar Bharati threat­ened to cancel its sub­scrip­tion to the news agency, the largest in the coun­try.

Press Trust of India

Press Trust of India (PTI) is the largest news agency in India employing over 400 journalists and 500 part-time correspondents located in most of the district headquarters in the country.

It is a non-profit cooperative. It was registered in 1947 and started functioning in 1949.

It is headquartered in New Delhi. Its corporate office is located in New Delhi and registered office in Mumbai.

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