CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal an recipient of the INSPIRE Faculty award instituted by the Department of Science &Technology, Govt. of India is developing porous carbon materials which have the potential to replace lead grid in lead-acid batteries.
The carbon foams are non-toxic, easy to fabricate, affordable, and insoluble in water.
It is cost-effective for the removal of arsenic, oil, and other metals from contaminated water.
It can be used for heat sinks in power electronics, electromagnetic interference shielding in aerospace, hydrogen storage, and electrode for lead-acid batteries and water purification systems.
The carbon foam has been developed with a density of less than 0.3g/cc, high porosity of over 85%, good mechanical strength.
The foam is highly resistant to corrosion. It has good electrical and thermal conductivity with the high surface area.
The carbon foams have recently attracted a lot of attention owing to their potential applications in various fields.